Private Sessions, Appointments, and Camps: All cancellations or schedule changes must be made 24 hours prior to starting time. Payment is required at the time of booking, even when booked by BS staff. We accept credit card and online payments. Athletes will be charged the full amount of the session for no-shows and late cancellations.
Classes/Clinics: All cancellations or schedule changes must be made 8 hours prior to starting time. Payment is required at the time of booking, even when booked by BS staff. Athletes will be charged the full amount of the session for no-shows and late cancellations.
Holds/Suspensions: If a medical issue renders you unable to participate in training for an extended period of time, we will place holds on the services in your account where applicable.
Refunds: We handle refunds on a case-by-case basis to ensure our clients are fully satisfied with all purchases and services.
You agree that you are aware that the athlete named below will be engaging in physical exercise involving various sports, coordination, events, and general fitness training, which could cause injury to him or her. The location of these activities will take place at (360 Performance Sports & Beast Speed LLC).
You understand that the athlete is voluntarily participating in these activities and is assuming all ritual injury that may result from ng aging in any exercise program or sport related.
You hereby agree to waive any claims or right that you might otherwise have to sue (360 Performance Sports & Beast Speed LLC), the complex, employees, owners, officers or agents for any injury that might occur. You understand that we will make no evaluation or in any activity. If the athlete has any physical mental condition, they may have any of his or her ability to engage in any of the complex activities, it is your responsibility to obtain a physician's release statement. It is recommended that you consult a physician or your pediatrician prior to your athlete participating in any physical exercise program.
Media Release Consent Form
This Media Release Form (the "Form") is effective today, by Beast Speed LLC (the "Party") who acknowledges and agrees to the terms below:
1. The Party grants permission to 360 Performance Sports & Beast Speed to use their photographs on Company social media accounts including Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter, and on the Company website, without acknowledgement or recognition given to the Party.
2. The Party grants the Company creative permission to alter the photographs, permitted that the photographs are not altered in an explicit manner or cause malicious representation of the Party and their associates.
3. The Party consents any third party (including any agency, client, publication or other organization or institution) in whole or in part, for distribution ("sharing") of the photographs on their social media accounts, for the purposes of publicity and promotion of the Company.
4. In giving this consent, the Party releases the Company from liability for any violation of any personal or proprietary right the Party may have in connection with all third parties' use of the images on social media.
5. The Party certifies that they are 21 years of age or older.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Party executes this Form by Initials below.